Hat & Dress(old)/ bewolf clothing, Knee socks/H&M, Shoes/Aldo (old)
Awhile back I didn't tell you guys but I received some not so good news regarding my health and that I need to undergo surgery, I must admit I'm kinda scared, ok who am I kidding let's be real I'm petrified, it's the not knowing what to expect before and how I'm gonna feel afterwards that freaks me out.
For years I've been dealing with pain on a daily basis and seeing numerous doctors trying to find out what I have and them not even bothering to look further into my case to try and find what could be causing all these symptoms, they would just prescribe random pills that did absolutely nothing.
Once I arrived in the Cayman's I underwent several medical test and they finally found one of the cause's of my not well being...Thank god, all these years of not knowing finally an answer..the doctors here are amazing there like Doctor House lol it's not even comparable to our healthcare in Montreal it's a real joke...So it's a good thing I moved here, life has a funny way of playing itself out, things definitely happen for a reason...next step put on my big girl panties and do what I have to do to feel better...I'll keep you all posted once the date of the operation has been scheduled...night, night everybody Xox